The Sinister Joshua Project

A look at organized Christian Proselytization in the Global South


August, 2017


About this study

Organised religion is a powerful force in our lives and affects us in more ways than we can imagine. This project focuses on Joshua Project which is described as an organization seeking to highlight the ethnic groups of the world with the least followers of evangelical Christianity. The project is a highly pervasive and organised association of Christian proselytizing organisations with centres across the world.

One of the good things about the project - fortunately or unfortunately - is the highly detailed data they have collected on the peoples of each country. On its website, Joshua Project propagates the idea behind its conception - “Bringing definition to the unfinished task” by providing targeted actions points for the possible conversion of each of the identified target groups.

Why sinister?

The website of Joshua Project clearly mentions (here):

“Accurate, regularly updated ethnic people group information is critical for understanding and completing the Great Commission. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Jesus directly links His return to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. While no one knows the date or time of His return, we do know that this gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all the nations first. Revelation 5:9 and 7:9-10 show that there will be some from every tribe, tongue, nation and people before the Throne.” The description above shows why Joshua Project can be called sinister:

It waits for an end: The motivation to reach the masses and marginalized communities is not to improve their living conditions. In fact, reach to these communities is considered important because the end is conditional upon it. Exclusion of ‘upper castes’: Perhaps assuming that approaching upper castes will require heavier efforts and may even attract attention, the database of peoples focuses highly on marginalized sections, even more so in remote areas - identifying them as the ‘lower hanging fruits’ in this race towards the end. Conversion before emanicipation: The narrative conveniently and unfearingly makes its intentions clear. It doesn’t exhibit motivation to improve the lives of its target populations without converting them first. This can be loosely compared with the concept of quid pro quo. Colonization and Slavery

This document states “How colonization and slavery are still not a thing of the past” at the beginning. This is not difficult to understand. The missionaries have for long benefitted by virtue of their religious institution status and have acquired lands in several areas in India. In fact, if you check the 10/40 window here, you will understand how calculated, targeted and and meticulous the entire approach is. It is a second wave of colonization that is lashing on shores of the Eastern Hemisphere.

Effect on culture

Joshua Project is a strongly funded organisation and it would be worthwhile to explore its networks, mission and actual activities. The reader is suggested to feel free to download the resources shared in this repository and contribute to the project.

Some other resources to inform the argument: